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Wednesday 11 July 2012

Walnut Brownie Cupcakes - Hello Cupcake!

Imagine a mouthful of rich, slightly gooey chocolate brownie, then suddenly you crunch into a bitter sweet walnut - you've just had a virtual Walnut Brownie Cupcake!

These little beauties come from a delightful little book called 'Hello Cupcake' by Leila Lindholm, published by New Holland. RRP is £12.99 although it's on sale at a popular on line bookshop for £7.14 but you have the chance to win a copy, right here on my blog.  Scroll down to the bottom of the post and follow the instructions on the Rafflecopter widget.

The book is dedicated to cupcakes and whoopie pies and contains lots of very tempting recipes some classic combinations like Butterfly Lemon Cupcakes and Double Chocolate Whoopie Pies.  Then there are some more unusual flavours like Rhubarb Cheesecake cupcakes, Sticky pecan upside down cupcakes and Nutella Whoopie Pies.  Then there are some really fun recipes like S'mores whoopie pies, Elvis Presley Cupcakes and Miss Piggy cupcakes!

I really liked that every few pages there was a page of tips, for example tips about oven temperatures, or the story of the creation of Whoopie Pies.  The photographs are stunning, both of the cupcakes and the many children who feature enjoying the cakes!

I decided to bake the Walnut Brownie Cupcakes, not only because they looked delicious but so I could enter them for this month's Alphabakes challenge - letter "W".

They would also be really popular at a cake stall so I am also entering the cupcakes for Tea Time Treats.

Walnut Brownie Cupcakes

200g walnuts
175g butter
150g light muscovado sugar
150g good quality cocoa powder (I used 100g and found that quite enough)
50ml golden syrup
1 pinch salt
3 free range eggs
150g plain (all purpose) flour
1 tsp baking powder
100g good quality 70& dark chocolate

1. Turn the oven to 175C
2. Toast the whole walnuts in a hot and dry frying pan
3. Whip the butter, sugar and muscovado sugar until creamy.
4. Add the cocoa, syrup and salt.
5. Whisk in one egg at a time.
6. Mix the flour with the baking powder and sift it into the other ingredients.
7. Coarsely chop the chocolate and add it and the whole walnuts to the batter.
8. Set out paper cups in a muffin tin and fill the cups with  two-thirds full with the mixture.
9. Bake them in a middle of the oven for about 5-20 minutes.  Test them with a toothpick, they should be a little sticky in the middle.  Leave them to cool.

Leila suggests decorating the cupcakes with shipped cream and fresh raspberries, but I made up a little butter cream and piped a swirl on top!

The recipe was easy to make, there was just one thing...the recipe says that it makes 12 cupcakes and I made 24 normal sized cupcakes and 10 mini cupcakes!  Not that I'm complaining but if you didn't have two cupcake tins you might find you had to bake this in two batches.

Alphabakes is run by Ros at The more than occasional baker and Caroline at Caroline Makes and Teatime Treats is run by Karen at Lavender and Lovage and Kate at What Kate Baked

a Rafflecopter giveaway

 Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. I was not required to write a positive review and any opinion expressed is my own.

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At 11 July 2012 at 19:19 , Anonymous Rainie Bish said...


At 11 July 2012 at 20:05 , Blogger Cakeyboi said...

This looks delicious - my favourite cupcake - that I had recently was the Hummingbird bakery's black bottom cupcake- yummo!!

At 11 July 2012 at 20:19 , Blogger Claire said...

They look so good.

At 11 July 2012 at 20:44 , Blogger Am said...

I like lemon poppy seed :)

At 11 July 2012 at 20:45 , Blogger Unknown said...

Red velvet

At 11 July 2012 at 21:36 , Blogger Unknown said...

Chocolate with chocolate icing :)

At 11 July 2012 at 23:05 , Blogger Karen S Booth said...

SO LUSH Janice and SUCH a great entry for Tea Time Treats! THANKS for baking them for our cake stall! Karen xx

At 11 July 2012 at 23:11 , Blogger Unknown said...


At 12 July 2012 at 13:37 , Blogger Caroline Cowe said...

These look delicious! Thanks for entering them into alphabakes.

At 12 July 2012 at 13:38 , Blogger Caroline Cowe said...

My favourite flavour has to be chocolate!

At 12 July 2012 at 17:42 , Anonymous thelittleloaf said...

Ooh these little cupcakes look absolutely delicious. I always thought chocolate was my favourite cupcake flavour, but having recently made sticky toffee ones, I think it would be a tie!

At 12 July 2012 at 18:52 , Blogger Helen said...

Yup, has to be chocolate for me too! Love the sound of the Walnut Brownie Cupcakes.

At 13 July 2012 at 04:33 , Anonymous Mich - Piece of Cake said...

Hi, I'm dropping by via Tea Time Treats. These sound really delicious. Walnuts and chocolate are a wonderful combination anytime.

At 13 July 2012 at 18:22 , Blogger Choclette said...

Ooh they sound wonderful Janice and they look really pretty too. I'm always up for getting hold of a new baking book.

So far, I think white chocolate and matcha cupcakes have been my favourite - at least they were on that day anyway!

At 14 July 2012 at 10:04 , Blogger hannahmdy said...

I love red velvet cupcakes :)

At 14 July 2012 at 16:23 , Anonymous Carolin said...

I love making apple cupcakes! They are simple spongecake based cupcakes with a teaspoon sized sunken centre of small cut apple bits, apple sauce, raisins and cinnamon (all mixed together). And to finish them off I put some cinnamon and applejuice (instead of water) with the icing sugar. YUM! :)

At 16 July 2012 at 15:50 , Blogger Donna Lawton said...

Ooh gosh that's hard to choose. The last one I had that was oh so scrummy was just simple old strawberry. Oh I want a cupcake now! x

At 17 July 2012 at 04:52 , Blogger Unknown said...

I love plain old vanilla

At 17 July 2012 at 10:31 , Blogger Maya Russell said...

I love chocolate cupcakes - it has to be dark and rich though.

At 18 July 2012 at 02:06 , Anonymous Corina said...

Definitely chocolate!

At 18 July 2012 at 19:32 , Blogger maxineflossy said...


At 19 July 2012 at 19:53 , Blogger Jo Y said...

Vanilla with lots of buttercream

At 19 July 2012 at 21:58 , Anonymous claire said...


At 22 July 2012 at 13:54 , Blogger Chrissie said...

Red Velvet!

At 23 July 2012 at 19:50 , Anonymous Cat (Yellow Days) said...

I like Nigella's cappucino cupcakes at the moment.

At 23 July 2012 at 20:14 , Blogger Debs Dust Bunny said...

Wow .... these look beautiful!

At 23 July 2012 at 20:20 , Blogger Unknown said...

Fave flavour is red velvet. Nomnomnom

At 23 July 2012 at 20:35 , Anonymous Nicoletta said...

Sticky Toffee

At 23 July 2012 at 22:53 , Blogger Unknown said...


At 24 July 2012 at 07:30 , Blogger Angela M - Garden Tea Cakes and Me said...

Chocolate is my favourite but I could also be tempted with Lemon.

At 26 July 2012 at 21:18 , Anonymous MaryMoh said...

Beautiful cupcake brownies! Love the frosting on top too.

At 28 July 2012 at 02:06 , Anonymous Sandra Geddes said...

Lemon x

At 28 July 2012 at 20:30 , Blogger Jacqueline Meldrum said...

How did I miss these? They are so pretty. Feel free to bring some to the conference, hehe :)

At 29 July 2012 at 22:45 , Blogger Baking Addict said...

How did I miss these too? They look gorgeous - thanks for entering AlphaBakes. The book look great too!

At 2 August 2012 at 13:20 , Blogger Katharine said...

These look delicious, so nutty and sticky - right up my street!


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