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Sunday, 20 February 2011

Gingerbread Slab

I've had visitors for the past two weekends, I don't often have people to stay and rarely two weekends in a row, but my son and DIL just had a gorgeous little boy, and as they live right next door, my relatives have stayed at my house.  

I made the gingerbread and some Peanut Butter and Chocolate Chip Cookies last weekend.  I had to hide the gingerbread to stop my husband, Brian, from eating it!  I also stashed some cookies so there were still plenty for the second wave of visitors.  You learn a few things by the time you become a grandmother, especially when you have had two sons!

Gingerbread is always better when it has been 'matured' anyway and this one was moist, gingery and nicely sticky.  The recipe comes from the Good Housekeeping Complete Book of Home Baking.

Gingerbread Slab
Makes 20 - 24 slices

125g (4oz) black treacle
125g (4oz) golden syrup
50g (2oz) butter or margarine (I used 100g butter and no lard)
50g (2oz) lard
225g (8oz) plain white flour
1.25ml (1/4 tsp) bicarbonate of soda
5ml (1 level tsp) mixed spice
5ml (1 level tsp) ground ginger
100g (4oz) dark brown soft sugar
150ml (1/4 pint) milk

1. Grease a deep 18cm (7 in) square cake tin.  Line with greaseproof paper and then grease the paper.
2. Put the black treacle, golden syrup, butter and lard into a saucepan and heat gently until melted.
3. Sift the flour, bicarbonate of soda and spices into a bowl and stir in the sugar.  Make a well in the centre and pour in the milk and treacle mixture.  Beat well until smooth and of a thick pouring consistency.
4. Pour into the prepared tin and bake in the oven at 170c (325F) mark 3 for 1 - 1 1/4 hours or until a fine warmed skewer inserted in the centre of the cake comes out clean.  Cool in the tin for 1 hour then turn out and cool completely on a wire rack.
5. Wrap in greaseproof paper and foil and store in an airtight tin for 2 days before eating.

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At 20 February 2011 at 19:52 , Anonymous Corina said...

This looks just like the gingerbread my mother used to make - It was gorgeous. She has the good housekeeping book too so maybe it's even the same one.

At 20 February 2011 at 19:55 , Blogger Brownieville Girl said...

Think I'd miss out on the lard too!

I love gingerbread and this looks delicious.

At 20 February 2011 at 20:47 , Blogger Traceyr said...

That looks decidedly yummy Janice.


At 20 February 2011 at 23:16 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ginger cake is of our favourites and my method is very similar to yours - one of the recipes I still do from school domestic science. (I now add chunks of crystallised ginger as well.) It's a while since I made one of these so thanks for the reminder.
'Meanderings through my Cookbook'

At 21 February 2011 at 00:17 , Blogger The Food Hound said...

I love love love dense, sticky, spicy gingerbread!!

At 21 February 2011 at 14:33 , Blogger Wendy@The Omnivorous Bear said...

Oh I keep saying I will make gingerbread... I REALLY must try - that looks fabulous.
And talking of looking faboulous...congratulations on being the most glamorous granny I know!

At 22 February 2011 at 09:47 , Blogger Anne said...

I love gingerbread but never dared make it - would last about 2 minutes with me! Yours looks all yummy dark and delicious!

At 23 February 2011 at 12:36 , Anonymous Catherine said...

Congratulations on the birth of your Grandson, Janice! It must be so lovely having them live only next door :) The ginger slab looks delicious, I just want to put a big layer of white icing on the top and devour it hee hee!

At 23 February 2011 at 21:17 , Blogger Choclette said...

Congratulations Janice - how can you possibly be a grandmother? Your gingerbread looks just as it should with a nice sticky top - yum.

At 25 February 2011 at 10:50 , Blogger Jill Colonna is Mad About Macarons said...

My goodness. This gingerbread looks so moist and delicious. If you serve this to your house guests, be prepared to have a whole new wave of more to come ;-)

At 25 February 2011 at 11:03 , Anonymous MaryMoh said...

I have a tin of treacle which I don;t know what to do. I think I should try this out. Love that it's gingery, moist and sticky. Would be perfect for this cold weather. Congrats that you are a grandma! Must be fun holding your own grandkids :D

At 25 February 2011 at 13:50 , Blogger Dharm said...

This gingerbread looks just great! Congrats on the new addition to the family! Children are always such a blessing.

At 27 February 2011 at 01:08 , Blogger Unknown said...

This looks very stash-able and delicious - which is handy, because I have lots of visitors in the next couple of weeks. Thanks for your kind comments on KM too - luckily we are in Wellington, a long way from Christchurch (but feel very close right now) x

At 3 March 2011 at 20:08 , Blogger Kim said...

Yum! I haven't made gingerbread since I was little and used to help my Grandma make hers, this has reminded me I really need to try it out. Looks delicious!


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