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Sunday, 29 April 2012

Chocolate and Amaretti Slice

Dom is celebrating the second birthday of Belleau Kitchen, his superb food and cooking blog.  So Random Recipes #15 has gone all cakey- bakey in a birthday kind of way! 

I piled up a selection of my baking books, praying that the macaron book would not be the one picked, anyway I needn't have worried because the random number picker chose #1 which is The Best of Cadbury Chocolate Cooking.

Opening the book it fell open at a page 77 with a choice of four delicious recipes.  I chose to make 'Bournville and Amaretti Slice' but as I didn't use Bournville chocolate but a generic brand which is why I have called it  

Chocolate and Amaretti Slice

175g Amaretti biscuits
3 tablespoons Amaretto Di Saronno liqueur
275g plain dark chocolate, broken into pieces
300ml double cream
75g unsalted butter, softened
50g caster sugar

1. Line a 500g loaf tin with clingfilm.  Crush the biscuits into small pieces.  Put them in a bowl and pour over the liqueur.
2. Melt the chocolate and half the cream.  Cream together the butter and sugar until pale and fluffy.  Stir in the chocolate and cream mixture, then the remaining cream.
3. Spoon about one third of the chocolate mixture into the tin.  Scatter half of the biscuit pieces over the top. Spread half of the remaining mixture, then add the remaining biscuits. Finish with the remaining chocolate mixture.
4. Chill the chocolate cake over night until set.  Invert on to a plate and peel off the film.
5.  You can decorate by creating scribbly lines with melted chocolate piped across the top. Or you can just slice and serve because it's quite rich enough as it is!

This is totally indulgent, rich and needs to be served in very small slices.  If I made it again, I think I would simply mix the biscuits into the chocolate, because it does tend to crumble a bit when you cut it.  The liqueur comes through strongly so it's a grown up slice, but you could use orange juice and if you don't like almond flavours at all, then other crunchy biscuits like gingersnaps would probably work just as well. 

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At 29 April 2012 at 19:37 , Blogger Caroline said...

Oooh, looks good. I'm liking the idea of ginger biscuits instead. Could add some chopped crystallised stem ginger too - yum!

At 29 April 2012 at 20:06 , Blogger Janice said...

Thanks Caroline, yes crystalised ginger would work well with the gingersnaps. I haven't forgotten the award, just been mega busy this weekend.

At 29 April 2012 at 20:27 , Anonymous Lauralovescakes said...

This looks fab...very decadent! Mary Berry always uses Bourneville in her cooking but I think it's only 39% cocoa so I know a lot of people think it's not chocolatey enough!! Your slice looks great!:-)

At 30 April 2012 at 06:04 , Blogger Unknown said...

oh my goodness what a stunner of a cake... so thick and rich with chocolate... I'd probably take a huge slice and then regret it... and then go i for another huge slice!... I love these cookbooks by brands like Cadbury's as they often tend to be interesting recipes that you don't see very often and it makes a nice change... thank you soooooo much for entering and helping me celebrate my second blogaversary xx (its up on the blog now too)

At 30 April 2012 at 17:06 , Blogger GG said...

That looks SOO Bad for me but I want it all. GG

At 30 April 2012 at 19:28 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love amaretti and amaretto - so gotta make this!

At 30 April 2012 at 20:16 , Blogger Susan Lindquist said...

Yes, please! I would take more than ONE slice of this little treat!

At 30 April 2012 at 21:04 , Blogger Allison said...

So rich and decadent. Yum

At 30 April 2012 at 21:46 , Blogger Baking Addict said...

Ooh I have 4 of the same books (don't ask me how many I have in total!) Seeing this I want the Cadbury book as well! Great job :)

At 30 April 2012 at 21:55 , Blogger Janice said...

Laura - I use Ryelands plain chocolate from Tesco it's 50%
Dom - I'll have to save you from yourself by eating it myself ;-)

Thanks for all the lovely comments.

At 1 May 2012 at 21:21 , Blogger Phil in the Kitchen said...

I'm sure you're right about needing to serve very small slices but it'd be hard to restrain myself.

At 2 May 2012 at 14:35 , Blogger Sarah Trivuncic Maison Cupcake said...

I have my grandmother's copy of this cadbury book somewhere and must hunt it out. I love the look of this cake!

At 4 May 2012 at 10:04 , Anonymous Michelle said...

I bought amaretti biscuits with the intention of making ice cream. I saw this recipe this morning and well, we won't be having ice cream now! I had no orange juice so I used brandy. It looks and smells incredible. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed about the brandy. It should be ok, shouldn't it?

At 4 May 2012 at 11:20 , Blogger Janice said...

Michelle - oh my goodness, yes! I would think it would be great, in fact any kind of spirit would probably work - or is that just me ;-)
Let me know how it is once you've tried it.

At 4 May 2012 at 12:18 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Couldn't wait - just tried it. Ooooh, so glad I dragged my feet over making the ice cream. My thyroid abandoned me years ago and I should really watch what I eat. This cake, biscuit, brandy, chocolate thingy is going to make me so fat! Gosh. Are you sure it's even legal?! :-D

At 4 May 2012 at 22:21 , Anonymous laura@howtocookgoodfood said...

Oh wow this would be perfect for WeShouldCocoa this month. Amaretti, almonds, Amaretto.You must have read my mind!

At 8 May 2012 at 21:36 , Blogger Jason Wain said...

Just looking at the title and the photo had me salivating! Must put this on the to-do list...


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