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Saturday 2 February 2013

Yorkshire Pudding Day with Mermaid Bakeware Review

As a Scot, Yorkshire Puddings are not part of my heritage, but I do rather like them.  My mum never made Yorkshires with our roast beef, although we did have Toad in the Hole which is the same batter with sausages cooked into it.  There seems to be a bit of mystique around the making of them (a bit like scones) but I've never really had any trouble getting them to rise using the simple recipe below.

The lovely people at Mermaid Bakeware asked me to try out their Yorkshire Pudding tin and, never a girl to shirk a challenge, I accepted with enthusiasm.  Apparently the first Sunday in February is Yorkshire Pudding Day so it would be rude not to celebrate with some golden brown, puffy puddings, whether you eat them with beef, add sausages or eat them for dessert with golden syrup.

I've never had a proper individual pudding tin, I usually just make one big one in a roasting tin so this is a useful addition to my collection. Mermaid have been making quality bakeware in the West Midlands since 1953. The 4 Cup Yorkshire Pudding Tray is made from Hard Anodised Aluminium and is approximately 245mm x 245mm x 16mm.  It's oven safe up to 240C/475F/Gas Mark 9, is perfect to use with metal utensils as it is scratch resistant and will never peel or blister. 

Yorkshire Pudding (serves 4)

75g (3oz) plain flour
1 egg
75ml (3fl oz) milk
50ml (2fl oz) water
salt & freshly ground pepper
2 tbsp vegetable oil

1. Pre-heat the oven  to 220C/425F/Gas Mark 7
2. Sift the flour into a bowl
3. Make a well in the centre, add the egg and mix into the flour.
4. Gradually add the mixture of water and milk beating either by hand of with an electric whisk
5. Season with salt & pepper
6. I like to let my batter stand for a couple of hours, but it's not strictly necessary
7. Put half a tablespoon of oil in each of the metal cups
8. Put the tray into the oven and heat for 10 minutes.
9. Remove the tin and pour the batter into the cups
10. Return to the oven and cook for 15 - 20 minutes until the puddings are risen and golden.

Here is the exciting part, when you see the puds starting to rise inside the oven.

I served the Yorkshire Puddings with a pot roast brisket of beef served with carrots and roast parsnips.

See more reviews and recipes from me and my fellow Mermaid bloggers in the Mermaid Bloggers Kitchen and visit the Mermaid on Facebook for offers and competitions.

I received a 4 cup Yorkshire Pudding tin from Mermaid Bakeware, I was not paid for this post and all views expressed are my own.

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At 2 February 2013 at 20:18 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live in Yorkshire, how did I not realise that it was Yorkshire Pudding day tomorrow. Though for me every day should be yorkshire pudding day!

At 3 February 2013 at 08:15 , Blogger Unknown said...

Yorkshire Pudding Day you say... yours look adorable but I have to say I am salivating over that brisket. I need that for my lunch today PLEASE Janice!!!

At 3 February 2013 at 18:24 , Blogger Traceyr said...

Wow Janice your Yorkshires have risen well. Kris would love them. tee hee . . .

me? I don't like them. hahaha :)

At 3 February 2013 at 22:18 , Blogger Janice said...

Carolyn: I hope you celebrated with a nice Yorkshire pudding!
Dom: I'm afraid it's all gone, was a great recipe from February BBC Good Food Mag with incredible French Onion Gravy.
Tracey - I'm surprised you don't like Yorkshires, but glad to hear that Kris does.

At 7 February 2013 at 14:27 , Blogger Karen S Booth said...

LOVELY post Janice and I am sorry I missed it on Sunday, but as you know, I was making my way down to see Vivien for marmalade with Sue!
Your Yorkshires look fabulous and what a great meal for a cold day!


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