
Sunday, 20 September 2009

A Chocolate Muffin in Farmersgirl Kitchen

Hurrah! DH has fixed things up so I can upload my photos to his computer as he says it may be next weekend before mine is back in service :o

Here is my DS1's 3 month old chocolate labrador pup, called Muffin! This was her first visit to our home, due to the age and nervousness of our cat, Jenny.
She is sitting right in the middle of the kitchen floor and behind her you can see some of my cookery books, I had those shelves made specially by the joiner (carpenter) and the theory is that I don't get any more books than I can fit on the shelves, so if I buy a new one, I'm supposed to get rid of one!


  1. Oh how Hubby and I would love a Muffin just like that!

  2. Nice theory, but cookbooks are difficult to part with sometimes. Love the dog.


I love to read your comments and try to reply when I can. I have had to enable comment moderation due to high levels of spam, so it may take a little time before your comment is visible. Please let me know if you make one of my recipes or if you have any questions I will try to answer them. Janice