
Wednesday, 7 November 2007

Foodie Blogroll

You may have noticed a little yellow box at the side of my blog, called the Foodie Blogroll. Well I am now officially a member of the blogroll - yipee!! I have already visited lots of the blogs on the blogroll and there are some fantastic blogs out there, so if you are visiting my blog why not go and have a look. Many blogs have recipes and bloggers are happy to share their knowledge and tips. If you have a foodie blog, you can join too. Click on the box to find out more.

1 comment:

  1. Great news you've joined the Foodie Blogroll :)

    Rosie x


I love to read your comments and try to reply when I can. I have had to enable comment moderation due to high levels of spam, so it may take a little time before your comment is visible. Please let me know if you make one of my recipes or if you have any questions I will try to answer them. Janice